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Showing posts from September, 2018

Karna Purana - Ayurvedic Warm Ear Oil Treatment

Karna Purana - Ayurvedic Warm Ear Oil Treatment The ayurvedic procedure of instilling medicated oils in the ears is called Karna Purana. It is beneficial in ear diseases including hearing loss, tinnitus, Meniere’s disease (characterized by mainly vertigo), swimmer’s ear and other diseases related to the ears. Indications of Karna Purana Karnapoorna is best for vata imbalances including Earache Earwax blockage Wax removal or excess wax Ear congestion Tinnitus Meniere’s disease Hearing loss Swimmer’s ear Headache Migraine Neck pain Jaw pain Pain disorders Acoustic nerve weakness Vertigo General body aches Depression Body balance disorder ·         Anxiety or worry ·         Jet-lag and ears popping/crackling in airplanes ·         Insomnia Other benefits are: ·         Improves hearing ·    ...

UDVARTAN ( powder massage)

UDVARTAN ( powder massage) The word Udvartana is largely used for the most famous body treatment in Ayurveda to lose weight. Udvartan is a body toning program, with application of a combination of prescribed herbal powder and oil on the entire body .It is used in the treatment to reduce fat and strengthen the body, at the same time taking care that the body does not become too rough and dry in the whole process. How does the Treatment of Udvartana work? In the treatment of Udvartana, we use herbal powders (in form of oils or dry powders) that are dry and rough in nature and hot in potency. The oil taken for Udvartana is sesame-based, which is hot in potency and is infused with herbs which create lightness, dryness, roughness, remove the blockages and stiffness, and also have a ‘cutting or liquefying action’ on the fat tissue. This oil also takes care that the skin does not become dry superficially and remains soft and supple after the treatment. This herbal paste (powders an...


AYURVEDIC MEDICINE TO TREAT CANCER More than 200 herbs and plants are used in Ayurvedic medicine. Some early laboratory and animal research suggests that compounds taken from traditional Ayurvedic medicines may be able to slow the growth of cancer in animals. Although this early research looks promising, there is no evidence that Ayurvedic herbal medicines can prevent, treat or cure cancer in humans. We won't really know whether Ayurvedic medicine is helpful in treating canc er until large randomised clinical trials have been carried out. Researchers have looked at some compounds used in Ayurvedic medicine. These include those listed below. Withaferin A In America in 2011 researchers took a compound called Withaferin A (WA) from the Ayurvedic medicinal plant Withania somnifera. They found that in the laboratory Withaferin A stopped the growth of some types of breast cancer cells. It also stopped the growth of breast cancer in mice. Several other studies support these ...


Ayurveda places a great emphasis on the sensations and pleasures of eating nutritious food and a balanced diet. We place a lot of interest in getting a right amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins in our daily diet,but as per Ayurvedic perspective, a balanced diet isn’t just about getting these in right proportion but is also about another extremely important quality: taste. Ayurveda recognizes six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. Including all six tastes in every meal not only ensures that all major food groups and nutrients are represented, but it also provides us with the feeling of satisfaction in eating. THE SEQUENCE OF EATING FOOD According to Ayurveda, it is advisable to eat foods with madhura rasa( sweetTaste ) in the beginning of the meal, as these foods are heavy and dense in nature and take more time to digest. When we are hungry our digestive fire is powerful and it takes less time to digest these h...