Karna Purana - Ayurvedic Warm Ear Oil Treatment The ayurvedic procedure of instilling medicated oils in the ears is called Karna Purana. It is beneficial in ear diseases including hearing loss, tinnitus, Meniere’s disease (characterized by mainly vertigo), swimmer’s ear and other diseases related to the ears. Indications of Karna Purana Karnapoorna is best for vata imbalances including Earache Earwax blockage Wax removal or excess wax Ear congestion Tinnitus Meniere’s disease Hearing loss Swimmer’s ear Headache Migraine Neck pain Jaw pain Pain disorders Acoustic nerve weakness Vertigo General body aches Depression Body balance disorder · Anxiety or worry · Jet-lag and ears popping/crackling in airplanes · Insomnia Other benefits are: · Improves hearing · ...
🌿 Welcome to AyurvedaHeaven, Your Blissful Journey to Holistic Well-Being! 🌿 Hey, beautiful souls! I'm kanchan Sharma an Ayurved consultant based in the UK, and I'm beyond excited to welcome you to AyurvedaHeaven, the ultimate destination for all things Ayurveda and holistic wellness. we're diving deep into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, unlocking the secrets to a life filled with balance, vitality, and a touch of heavenly bliss.🌺