This post is in response to the request sent by one of my friend..
At some point in our Life we all suffer from dry skin condition,then we try different chemical based products and still it seems to be recurring ...which is annoying at some point...
..but simple changes in every day routine And natural home remedies can make your skin well hydrated and glowing .
But wait...
Instead of jumping on to suggesting you some home remedies if I can describe how and why the dry skin condition cause,I personally think it will be a great help to take care of it.
So why do you think we develop dry skin ??
These can be the answers coming up in your mind
1)In winter the dry and cold weather make the skin loose its natural moisturizer and aggravates the dryness of skin. So exposure to extreme weather can be one of the causes for dry skin condition.
2) Unhealthy practices like bathing in hot water for long time can cause dry skin ,as the skin looses natural oil from its layers .
3)Irregular sleeping and eating habits ..
4)Stress - this is the most common cause in developing any condition. It can be excessive mental or physical exertion as well
7) Consuming very spicy, hot ,and dry food can increase dryness within the body
6)Genetic factors can play a big role in developing dry skin
7) Nutritional deficiency due to poor diet can contribute to developing dry skin
8) Using harsh soaps,chemicals and harsh cosmetics a lot can play with body's natural rhythm leaving it dry and dull looking
9) Swimming in chlorinated water
10) Growing old reduces the flexibility of skin leaving it look very dull and wrinkly
11)Some underlying diseases like hypothyroidism, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis or seborrhea may also lead to dry skin.
12) Regular medication intake of diuretics, antihistamines and anti spasmodic can lead to dry skin condition .
As per Ayurveda dry skin condition is caused due to excessive Vata in our body,When there is excess Vata, we are prone to dry skin, cracking joints, thinning dry hair, and brittle nails.
So now as we know what can cause the dryness of skin ,we can look at how to reduce the chances of developing it and some home remedies as well in next post...
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